Dosbarth Cothi

Dosbarth Cothi is the Nursery/early Foundation Learning class at Myrddin Unit. Pupils start at the age of 3, and are assessed through the New Curriculum for Wales, Routes for Learning, ABC Steps and Progression Steps.
Staff work closely with families to ensure that these early years are as positive an experience as is possible. Emphasis is put on communication and language, early maths, self help and independence, and physiotherapy skills; in an exciting, safe and fun filled environment.

Entry to the Unit requires a Statement of Education or Individual Development Plan (IDP), or diagnosis. Placement is put to the LEA’s placement panel, and an admissions meeting is then held at the Unit, to ensure all needs can be met. We work closely with the 0-25 Team, Specialist Health Visitors, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and, of course, parents.
A warm welcome is to be had in Dosbarth Cothi, learning new skills whilst having great fun!