Useful Information


In accordance with Local Authority guidelines, pupils are admitted to the Specialist Unit only through application to the Inclusion Panel held by the Local Authority inclusion department.

Transition is planned and Mrs Lilly will arrange and lead an admission meeting with parents and all agencies to plan transition and the provision for all additional learning needs identified in the statement of educational needs or Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Annual Reviews

Parents and agencies are invited to the school to discuss their child’s development, progress and targets once a year in a Person Centred Planning (PCP) meeting. The IDP will be reviewed and updated in this meeting.

General Aims of the Specialist Unit

It is the aim of each teacher to ensure that pupils develop to their full potential.
To provide a specially modified curriculum including the New Curriculum for Wales designed for each pupils individual needs.
Regular assessments and target setting.
Good home school links with an open policy for parents.
To foster social inclusion.
To encourage and develop self help skills and independence for living.
To provide augmentative communication systems when appropriate.
To link with agencies as needed e.g. 0-25 Team, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists.
Adopt a person-centred approach to each child’s development.


The New Curriculum for Wales provides a cross curricular approach encompassing the six areas of learning and experiences, through thematic teaching. This includes a multi-sensory curriculum and specialist interventions and strategies.

¨ Language, Literacy and Communication

¨ Health and Well-Being

¨ Maths and Numeracy

¨ Expressive Arts

¨ Humanities

¨ Science and Technology

Pupils are taught through the medium of Welsh where and when appropriate as agreed by parents. The Welsh Language Charter is adopted at the unit incidentally and socially for all pupils.

All pupils have experience of Religious and Values Education embracing the multi-cultural society in which we live. It provides opportunities to explore individual thought and appreciation of the natural world.

In school, collective worship is non denominational in character. Festivals are celebrated.

Music plays an important part of every school day.

Physiotherapy, SALT and any other specialist support agencies advice added to individual programmes.

Home and School links

Parental and carer views and information are highly valued.

Communication is welcomed through email, class WhatsApp groups or telephone the school. Teaching staff will communicate daily through chosen media and/or Home/School Communication Books.


Transport is provided by the Local Authority Learner Travel Department if pupils live further than 2 miles from the school. For information and to apply for this please contact:

Anwen Cray, Network Management Technician

01267 228297  

Judith Emanuel, Inclusion Team